Budget Make-up Tip
I love it when you go to the make-up counter at a department store looking to purchase one specific thing and you have to deal with a sales person who says to get the proper look you need to have a base for it and a top coat and a million other things. I for one do not always buy that line of garbage. My favorite is when they want you pay just as much for a lip primer as the lipstick or gloss costs. For most of the year my lips are fine and don't need the primer. However, come winter, or the cold months in general, where I have cold or just a bad case of chapped lips, I admit it, I need some sort of primer. I'm sure most of you have had a problem of putting lipstick over chapped lips with the end result making your lips look one thousand times worse than before. So this is what I've been doing. Instead of using pricey lip primers, simply put a coat of Chapstick or Blistex or something like that on your lips. The Chapstick will help to create a smooth layer on your lips and allows your lip color to stick to that instead of your flaking lips.
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