While out and about looking for some report covers for a paper I have due, I came across a bunch of cute Breast Cancer Awareness products by Post-It at Office Depot. There are three different sets of items. One contains 3 Post-It Note pads featuring a pink ribbon. Another contains a pink highlighter and a pen, both with Post-It flags, both featuring a pink ribbon. The last set contains a Post-It Note dispenser, featuring a pink ribbon, with 4 pads of paper, and a pen, featuring a pink ribbon, that contains pink ink. Buy the note pads for your office and the pen to throw in your purse. What's nice about these products is the fact that these are products I would purchase anyways and now a percentage of the proceeds goes to help others. If you're not out and about, these products are available at OfficeDepot.com
. Just search for "Breast Cancer" on their site.
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