I ditched school today. So what did I do? I went shopping and met a friend for lunch. $400 later I am back home. When oh when am I going to learn that it's much cheaper for me to go to school rather than ditch??? Tack on the amount of tuition that I had to pay for today and I'm probably closer to $600 spent today. While I was out and about and blowing off my education I stopped at
Walmart. Now, let me just tell you, I went to Wal-mart about a month and a half ago

for the first time in probably 2 years. I was killing time while the guys at Pep Boys put new tires on my car and Wal-mart was the only thing that was really within walking distance. I don't have a problem with Wal-mart, but I do have a problem with 90% of the people who seem to be there at the same time I am. Do these people not know about shopping etiquette? The aisles are small and crowded with barely enough room for a person to walk on down, yet it never fails that 2 people will always try to shove their carts down the most crowded aisle in the place. There always seems to be a family of ten that appears to be following me throughout the store, yelling, screaming, and throwing stuff around. Needless to say, I tend to stay away from Wal-mart. But on my last excursion I found the cutest Christmas ornaments...a collection based on some of my favorite toys and games. Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head, Candyland, Operation, Monopoly, Clue, and Scrabble were all featured in a number of ornaments. Anyone who knows me will tell you I am OBSESSED with Monopoly so of course these ornaments were going to be mind. Yes, I looked a little strange, my arms full of Christmas ornaments in early October, but I didn't care. Of course, it wasn't until a few days later that I thought of my close friend and her Scrabble obsession. Everyday at school, instead of paying attention and learning things to further our careers, my friend and I are online; me usually shopping and my friend playing Scrabble. How could I be so stupid?!?! Of course she would have loved that Scrabble ornament too! Since then I have been looking at other store trying to find another ornament with a miniature Scrabble board with tiles spelling out words like "Merry Christmas," "Santa," and other holiday phrases. Of course, as luck would have it, I have been unable to find said ornament. My journey to Wal-mart today also proved to be disappointing.
No, this post was not about me crying about my selfishness in picking up an ornament for myself but not remembering one for my friend and now trying to rectify that. This post is about what I actually did purchase at Wal-mart. Every year since my sister and I were little, my Mom would give us Bonne Bell lip glosses in our Christmas Stockings on St. Nick's. Usually we received the candy cane shaped tube that contained 3 different flavored glosses in it. For my sister and I, this was pure gold. Forget the Holiday Barbies, the new bikes, the countless games, and even the Barbie Corvette Power Wheel car my sister got one year for Christmas, these little lip glosses were the best gifts ever!

So, to relive this childhood memory, every year I still give my sister some kind of novelty lip gloss set (and yes, I do pick up one for myself too!). So imagine my excitement as I racing out of Wal-mart and my eyes happened upon what seemed like a whole aisle of novelty lip gloss sets! The two I ended up purchasing were little "refridgerators" stocked with can lip glosses of 7-Up, Dr. Pepper, and Root Bear varities and Snapple bottle lip glosses in 6 different flavors. They are so cute and were only $4.88 (I think...I might have been $4.78, but definately under $5...also, I couldn't find a picture of these anywhere online so here is a picture of just one Snapple lip gloss). This is an absolute steal because a quick Google search shows that just one of these glosses is $3 and here you are getting 6! I picked up a bunch of them to have on hand as stocking stuffers for friends. I think I may even open up the boxes and incorporate the little cans and bottles into the bows that put on their presents. Sadly, these are not offered on
Walmart.com, but I encourage you to check them out if you happen to go to Wal-mart in the coming future. Word of caution, this magical aisle also had gift packages of foam soap! Who didn't love that as a kid!?!?!? I picked some of that up for my Sweetie's niece and nephew.
One last thing, if anyone has seen the above pictured Scrabble ornament at any stores, please post a comment and let me know! I can only find one online and that's on eBay for $19.99 and please, that's a little too much for an ornament.

Labels: lip gloss, wal-mart
I absolutely love those snapple glosses. They are so yummy and they really smoothe my lips. I ran to wal-mart and picked up a few boxes because you are right about the great deal.
I absolutely love those snapple glosses. They are so yummy and they really smoothe my lips. I ran to wal-mart and picked up a few boxes because you are right about the great deal.
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