Laura Geller Balance-N-Bronze

Although Laura Geller has been around for quite awhile, and her products seem to pop up everywhere, I have never tried her products. I am kicking myself now! A few months ago, my Mom purchased a kit of hers and fell in love with it and told me to try it. Typical procrastenator that I am, I never got around to it. Then while channel surfing about a week or so ago, I saw Laura Geller herself giving some tips and showing her products. I was more than intrigued with her Balance - N - Bronze (Balance & Bronze), so I ran out and picked it up. OH...MY...GOD!!! How have I lived without this for so long?!?! This product combines her Balance - N - Brighten (Balance & Brighten) and Bronze - N - Brighten (Bronze & Brighten) in one convenient compact. Use the "balance" side to balance out your skin and even your skin tone. Let me just tell you, this is replacing foundation for me! It feels so light and airy, like I am wearing nothing, but still is able to make my skin look flawless. I could not believe my eyes. One quick layer of this lighter than air powder and I look like I walked out of a magazine shoot. But the fun does not stop there! Then use the "bronze" side to give your skin a nice sun-kissed glow. Everyone needs the help of a bronzer in the winter. The problem is that some bronzers are so noticably fake that it makes you look like an Oompa-Loompa. My skin looked so natural with this product, I am still in disbelief. In all honesty, my skin looked so great that I didn't even need to add any blush. The fact that this product is made up of many shades that perfectly compliment each other makes this a product that will work well on any skin tone. I speak from experience. My skin tone is some what medium while my sister is increadibly fair. We have both tried this product out and it is perfect for both of us. This product is a steal at $28, especially considering that you can easily pay double that in order to get a separate bronzer and a seperate foundation.

Check back in the coming weeks, because I just ordered a few other Laura Geller products including lip gloss and eye shadow. Supposedly, her Lip Stay lip glosses stay on forever! And her eye shadow is available is some of the coolest colors I have ever seen. Believe me, I will try this products as soon as I get them and will share my experience with everyone!
Labels: foundation, laura geller, make-up
Thx for the review. I'm going to give the balance and bronze a try. I hate wearing foundations because they feel heavy. Maybe this is just what I need.
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