I Hate Final Exams
That time of year is upon us yet again. Yes, it is time for me to once again start studying for finals. Let me just tell you, I hate studying for finals in the weeks before Christmas more than I hate studying for them in the weeks before summer. During December I always have the urge to decorate the house, bake cookies, shop, wrap presents, and do all of that other holiday stuff. Of course, because of the amount of time studying requires, I am forced to do as much as possible before I start studying or else wait until after my finals are done (exactly one week before Christmas). It is so distracting! Anyhoo, I just wanted to give everyone a heads up as to why my posts will most likely be infrequent. I will still manage a post here and there during my study breaks, but until December 18th, I am supposed to be hitting the books. Thank God this is the last December I will have to be studying for finals!!!