I'm A Horrible Blogger!!!
Hey girls! Okay, so I wanted to post a "where have I been" post first, but I got so caught up in the Sephora samples, a the Smashbox review, and the Sephora tote freebie that I brushed that post aside. Let me just tell you, I have about a million things to post about! So many new products and so many new reviews and so many new sales and coupon codes! I have been so busy in the non-internet world that I have neglected this blog. It's horrible of me I know. As I posted in June, I took a class this summer that ran through the middle of July. Following that horrible 4 HOUR FINAL EXAM, I took a 10 day vacation. It was an absolutely wonderful road trip from Chicago down through a majority of the Southern states. So much fun.
When I got back, my Sweetie and I got serious about actually purchasing a home instead of throwing money away on rent and found a home that we love and bought it. It's new construction in the Chicago suburbs. I know, I

So that's how I've been spending most of my time away from the internet! On top of everything, I start my final year of grad school (YAY! YAY! YAY!) on Monday. So on top of everything else I'll have to start doing the dreaded homework again too. But girls, you have my word, I am so going to start posting regularly again! Thanks for everyone who has emailed and left comments asking where I've been and inquiring as to if I'm okay. You are all so kind. I am so glad that you enjoy my ramblings and humble opinions! Back to packing for a little while, but then I'm coming back with another post!
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