Why is it that they make lip stick so that about a quarter of an inch of lip stick is shoved way down in the tube so that you'll never be able to use it? That drives me crazy. If you add up all of the lipstick I end up throwing out because of that, I would probably have enough lipstick to last me until the end of my life. Well, I've finally got a way to put those end remnents to use. If you take a toothpick, or something like that, and scrape the lipstick out of the tube, you can then mix it with your favorite lip balm and make your own little product. My favorite lip balm to use for this is Blistex Medex. I loved Blistex Medex by itself, it gives you a little tingle like you've just been kissed, and I love it even more mixed with my favorite shade of lipstick. But this will work with Carmex, Chap Stick, and all the others. Trust me, once you try this, you're going to find yourself mixing the tops of lipsticks with the lip balm too!

Great tip!
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