MAC Cosmetics has been busy, creating a couple of new lines for all of us beauty addicts. My favorite? Definately Electro Flash! Obviously, the pièce de résistance of the Electro Flash Collection are the Mineralized Eye Shadow Duos. Available in 9 different duos, these shadows are packed full of pigment and shimmer. I know that some of you are turned off by shimmery eye shadows, but I do not fit into that category. One side of the duo is a swirl of complimenting colors that blend together perfectly and just look amazing on any eyelid. The other side has a single shade that is complimenting to the swirl side. The mono-shade is a great liner shadow and can be used to create a gorgeous smokey eye. I really love that MAC is releasing duos again because it is so much easier to only have to tote one shadow along instead of 2 or 3. I've already picked up Polar Opposites (Dirty Purple with silver, indigo and pink veining/True silver mono), Odd Couple (Shade description: Warm gold with lavender and bronze

veining/Purple mono), and Hot Contrast (Dirty red with silver and black veining/Black mono). Let me just tell you, Hot Contrast is an absolute must for anyone who likes to do a smokey eye.
In addition to the MES Duos, Electro Flash also contains 4 new Lip Glass shades (Cultureclash Frosty clear baby pink with multi-dimensional pearl (Frost), Major Minor Frosty mid-tone beige with multi-dimensional pearl (Frost), Sonic Vibe Frosty mid-tone pink with multi-dimensional pearl (Frost), and Li’ Hot Pepper Frosty burnt red with multi-dimensional pearl (Frost))and 4 new Lipstick shades (Vanity’s Child Sheer pale beige with pearl (Lustre), Fast Thrill Frosty clean mid-tone pink with pearl (Frost), Mellow Mood Glossy mid-tone dirty pink with pearl (Lustre), Dangerously Hot Creamy deep brown red (Amplified)). Nothing too new and exciting. Some very nice shades, but I think I would rather pick up more MES Duos!

I should also make one more comment. For anyone who hasn't used mineral eye shadows yet, be warned that they can be messy. The more you use them, the better you get at controling their messiness. But believe me, they are so beautiful that it's worth putting up with the messiness!
The new Electro Flash Collection is currently available on
MACCosmetics.com as well as
Macys.com. Macys is currently offering FREE SHIPPING on any $50 MAC Cosmetics purchase. Use coupon / promo code
ELECTRO to take advantage of this offer. It's also available at some MAC Cosmetics counters and should be available everywhere later this week. Happy Shopping!
Labels: coupon codes, eyeshadow, lip gloss, mac, macys, make-up
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