Makeup Fashion Style

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

I Heart My Computer!

Well, I’m finally back. After a wrist injury has kept me away from the computer for over a month I am back and ready to talk! This is the longest I have ever been kept away from a computer in my life. It’s amazing how dependent I have become on this wonderful machine. But being restricted from using it for this long has made me do things that always seemed to be pushed to the side because I am so computer obsessed. Much of my house has been cleaned. I found a pair of earrings that I lost over four months ago. I caught up on some past magazine issues. I have bonded even more with my puppy. But all of that being said, I am still more than ecstatic to be back in front of this beautiful screen and back to my life of online shopping and gossiping. I’m back just in time to talk about some great new things in the beauty world. Stay tuned!!!


At 9:16 AM, Blogger Laurie // 312 Beauty said...

Welcome back! Sorry to hear about your wrist injury - but glad you are back to blog about beauty.

I've got holiday on the brain! Can't wait to hear what you have to say:)

At 9:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back!! I've been waiting for your Holiday finds....Hope all is well!

At 10:51 AM, Blogger Suzy Shopper said...

I am so glad that I am not the only one!!! So many people think I am crazy for being excited about the holidays already!!!


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