Limited Edition Estee Lauder Breast Cancer Awareness Products
Estee Lauder has released two collections to raise funds for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Unfortunately, both are currently SOLD OUT on, but you may be lucky enough to snag these at your local Estee Lauder cosmetics counter.

The Elizabeth Hurley Lip Color Collection is a collection of three High Gloss lip glosses in some of Elizabeth Hurley's favorite shades. They include Pink (limited edition), Rose, and Pearl. This collection also comes with a pink travel case. If the first kit was a bargain then this kit is a steal at only $16!
From the Estee Lauder website --- "Imagine a world without breast cancer. Your purchase of any product from the Pink Ribbon Collection will help Estée Lauder donate $500,000 to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation®. BCRF is dedicated to preventing breast cancer and finding a cure in our lifetime by funding clinical and translational research in North America. To learn more, call toll-free 1-866-FIND.A.CURE or visit"
Labels: breast cancer awareness, estee lauder, gift sets, lip gloss, lipstick
Damn, I wish I coudl have gotten these online. I guess I'm off to Macys to see if they have any left.
Yay! My counter still had some of both of these left. I got 2 of each. 1 for me, 1 for a gift.
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