Ped Egg Breast Cancer Edition
I guess I forgot to post about the Ped Egg before, but I guess it was a good thing because now my post can be about thePed Egg Breast Cancer Edition. I wrote a post a few months back about my disgust of non flip-flop ready feet in flip-flops and stated that for the most part I only used foot

I got to try out the Ped Egg after my Mom purchased it and raved about. I assured her that my feet were nice and smooth and in no need of the Ped Egg. After practically ripping my shoe and sock off of my foot, my Mother swiped the Ped Egg over my smooth foot for ten strokes and opened the Ped Egg to show me just what a miracle product this is. Within the Ped Egg was a gathering of dead, dry skin cells that had come off of my super smooth foot. How could this be??? Upon seeing this, I naturally grabbed the Ped Egg from my Mom's hand and proceeded to scrub every nook and cranny of my feet. My feet were smooth before the Ped Egg, but now they are beyond words. If this wonder product could make my already smooth feet even smoother, imagine what it can do for horribly dry feet!
Just in time for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Ped Egg has released a pink version with a portion of proceeds benefiting Breast Cancer research. This is a great time to pick up the Ped Egg if you've been wanting to try it. It's available for only $9.99.
Labels: breast cancer awareness, pedicure
I just now got one of these. I can't believe I waited so long. Definatley a must have.
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