There's Only How Many Shopping Days Left Until Christmas!?!?!
Okay, so I know I have the Great Shirts Blog, but I had to share this shirt with my fellow shoppers! This one literally made me laugh out loud. I love the look of fright on this woman's face! There's only how many shopping days left until Christmas?!!? I have actually said that very phrase many times. This shirt is available from Lush Laundry, which I have featured on the other blog many times because I absolutely love their shirts. They have so many fun designs. I just bought this one for me, my mom, and my sister to wear while Christmas shopping on Black Friday. I think they'll be a hit! This design is available on a wide variety of products.

where do you find this stuff? absolutely hysterical! I just picked up a ton of gifts from that site. Thanks for sharing with all of us.
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