Let's Do Lunch Thursday

I ditched school today. So what did I do? I went shopping and met a friend for lunch. $400 later I am back home. When oh when am I going to learn that it's much cheaper for me to go to school rather than ditch??? Tack on the amount of tuition that I had to pay for today and I'm probably closer to $600 spent today. While I was out and about and blowing off my education I stopped at Walmart. Now, let me just tell you, I went to Wal-mart about a month and a half ago
Don't know if you guys noticed, but in a previous post about HSN.com there is a banner there that takes you to HSN's Holiday Instant Win Game. They do this every year. You can play once a day and all you have to do is match 3 like items to receive that prize. You can win up to a $5000 shopping spree. Who wouldn't love that??? You can also get a bonus play if you refer a friend. I just send a refer email to a junk email account I have for things like this. Last year I was lucky enough to win a $25 gift card and a couple of Free Shipping offers. Good luck! I hope we get a lot of winners!
Labels: hsn
Let me just tell you, I had another great post filled with Cyber Monday deals from Macy's, Overstock.com, and others to post yesterday but of course the gods of technology were just not on my side. For the life of me, I could not get this post to post. So I greatly apologize for not being able to share some more deals, but hopefully you found them yourselves! The good news is that Cyber Monday appears to have started the holiday shopping season online. I'm finding more and more coupon and promo codes and more sales out there that are extending well past Cyber Monday.
Labels: coupon codes, elf, make-up
I hope everyone had a great weekend and recovered from the tons of turkey on Thanksgiving Day and the tons of shopping on Black Friday because it's time to bring on more shopping with Cyber Monday. Some say this day is a fluke, much like a "Hallmark Holiday," but if retailers are willing to through out excellent deals and coupon codes offering free shipping and percentages off then I am all for it. My inbox has been flooded with Cyber Monday deals so I thought I would pass them onto you. Not all of the deals are make-up and fashion related, but let's be honest, you're still looking for gifts for others, including guys, and do they really want make-up and clothes? Most likely not. Anyhoo, this is what I have so far...
Labels: cafepress, coupon code, hsn, mlb, shopping
So I've made if back from the stores and must say that it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. With the news hyping up Black Friday and all of this talk about how bad sales have been for stores thus leading them to offer tons of great deals that are going to lure in millions of customers, I thought the stores would be jammed pack with lines going to the back of the store. Not so. Every thing that I wanted to get was still available, and I didn't even need to get up at 2 a.m.! So now I'm back and I'm searching online for some great deals. The next one I found doesn't go with the make-up or fashion part of this blog, but it does go with the style section. Since I just moved into a new house I am still looking for things to decorate with. I have yet to hang anything up on my walls because I do not have enough things to cover all of my walls and so I don't want to hang up some stuff only to find that I might want to move it around once I find more stuff to hang up. Any-hoo, so I was browsing around the internet looking for some new pictures to hang up and I came across a great sale at AllPosters.com. Today only, save 25% OFF YOUR ENTIRE ORDER! Use coupon / promo code DESNA to take advantage of this offer. We are currently in the process of having a sports themed room that we can watch the games and entertain in when we have people over so I just used the coupon to pick up 2 Fat Heads (one for the Chicago Bears and one for the Chicago White Sox). I am so excited! They are going to look so cool.
Labels: coupon code
I hope everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving. Just wanted to give you a quick coupon before I head out the door to face the masses of Black Friday shoppers. Through November 28th, Overstock.com is offering 10% OFF AND FREE SHIPPING on everything you buy! No coupon or promo code required! Just click on the text link or the banner to take advantage of this offer. I should also note that their current promotion is an extra 10% off watches and jewelry so with this coupon you get an extra 10% off on top of that. If you have never shopped their jewelry and watch collection you should definately check it out. I am watch obsessed! A few months ago I got a gorgeous diamond Bulova watch with a retail price of $499 for only $50!!! It is absolutely stunning.
Labels: coupon code, overstock, sales
Just a reminder that today is the last day for the friends and family sale at Sephora.com. Get 20% OFF YOUR ENTIRE ORDER with coupon / promo code FF2007.
Labels: coupon code, sephora
I have to say, I'm really behind on reading the stack of magazines that have quickly overtaken my coffee table. I didn't even read some of last month's issues, but I finally had some time to flip through some of the December issues. It's a good thing I did otherwise I wouldn't have come across the latest Sephora.com coupon / promo code. It's another bag full of goodies! Actually, it's a clutch. Use coupon / promo code CLUTCH2 to receive a free clutch full of freebies with any $50 purchase. This code is good until the end of December, but let's be real, they will run out way before then. I believe the clutch is a silver metallic clutch and the samples included are...
Labels: coupon code, sephora
Hey Girls! I only have a second, but I had to post this coupon / promo code for Sephora.com. Get 20% OFF YOUR ENTIRE ORDER with coupon / promo code FF2007. Great opportunity to stock up Christmas gifts for your girlfriends. Click the Gifts tab to find tons of great make-up and skin care gift ideas for anyone and everyone. Hurry! This coupon code is only good until November 21st. I've already put my order in! Happy Shopping!
Labels: coupon code, make-up, sephora
I have made it a point to stay away from Victoria's Secret. While packing for my move this summer, I came a box that literally contained 50-100 pairs of bras and panties that still had tags on them! Damn that Semi-Annual Clearance Sale! So until I make a dent in the massive amount I own, I will not allow myself to even thumb through the multitude of catalogs that have been delivered in my mailbox.
Labels: coupon codes, lip gloss, victoria's secret
The free gift bandwagon has appeared to roll into town. Beauty.com has added even more great gift with purchases. I've listed a few below, but make sure you check out their GWP page to find more.
Labels: beauty.com, coupon code, free samples, make-up
Labels: free samples, make-up, sephora