Donate To The ASPCA
I'm not sure how many of you have seen the commercials for the ASPCA featuring Sarah McLachlan and her song, Angel. I swear, everytime it pops up I have to change the channel because it makes me cry (the same goes for my Sweetie). Anti-animal abuse charities are extremely close to my heart. I adore my dogs and couldn't imagine anyone being so hateful that they would abuse dogs or any animal. Today, I finally made myself sit through the whole commercial so that I could get the web address and make my monthly donation. I came across a widget on their site that would allow me to place it on this blog so that people can make donations through it. If you can afford anything, I would love for you to donate it to this organization. It's tax deductable too so that's an added bonus!
If you can't afford to make a donation to this site but want to help out with abused and neglected animals, I highly recommend going to your local no-kill animal shelter and either volunteer or donate some items. My local shelter has a list of things they need donated on a regular basis such as towels and sheets. Everyone at some point and time has some old towels and sheets that they just end up tossing out. Give them to your local shelter instead. As far as volunteering, most shelters need volunteers to take the dogs out of the cages for walks. What is more fun than taking a dog that spends most of his life in a cage for a much deserved walk! Another thing that you can do that won't cost you anything is to always request free samples of dog and cat foods when you come across them on a freebie site online. We have dogs, but not any cats so while I usually keep the dog food samples I always request the cat food samples and give them to the shelter. It may not seem like a lot, but if everyone else does it, it does add up.
So this is my public service announcement for the day! If you're lucky enough to have a pet give them a hug and let them know how much you love them!
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