Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Just a heads up that the new Cosmo magazine has a coupon inside for a VERY SEXY LIP GLOSS DELUX MINI IN HOTTIE FROM VICTORIA'S SECRET. Don't overlook it, because it's on a card, similar to the oh-so-annoying subscription cards. I stopped in at the Victoria's Secret on Michigan Avenue and picked mine up today. I haven't tried it yet, but I have to say that the shade is the perfect shade for the fall. It's the perfect in between pink and berry shade. Hey, it's free, so check it out.
And so it begins...Here is our first Breast Cancer Awareness product. ELF Cosmetics

October Is Fast Approaching...
And as many of you know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. This month really hits home for me because I have lost loved ones to the disease, and I have loved ones who are survivors. The great thing about October is the fact that sooooo many brands offer special Breast Cancer Awareness products with proceeds going to help various foundations. Again, it's just another reason to not feel guilty for buying the new pink blush or a new pink cashmere scarf! I will do my best to post as many Breast Cancer products as I can find as I have been told by many people that they love to purchase products that help out a cause. That being said, if anyone knows of any products available and would like to have them posted here, please, please, please email me at so that we can share the products with everyone!

Lot's of things going on at Macy's today. If you're in Chicago and don't have any plans for this evening, Macy's is hosting a roof-top fashion show featuring local designers. It starts at 6:00 and admission is FREE! I love going to shows featuring local designers because it's a chance to see new and unique things that you can find only in Chicago. I have found a ton of little boutiques that I wouldn't have known existed this way. If you aren't in Chicago,
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
My boyfriend and I went to Target the other day and were shocked to see that they had a Christmas aisle already! Christmas! We're not even close to Halloween yet. I have to admit it, I did browse the aisle and even purchased an ornament. And now, I've got the Christmas bug. I've found myself surfing the net looking for Christmas gifts for people already. And as I walked home down State Street today, I found myself longing for the Christmas decorations that will soon be adorning anything and everything that will stand still. Of course, Christmas won't be the same without Marshall Field's, but hopefully Macy's won't mess with the traditions too much.
So, while searching around on the internet, I came across
As I've said before, I love lip plumping lip glosses. My favorite is still DuWop Venom Gloss Buttercup
Monday, September 18, 2006
Thinking about remodeling your home? Looking for some inspiration? If you're going to be in Chicago sometime between September 22 and December 22, you can tour the Dream Home at the Merchandise Mart. Top designers have come together to create spectacular and awe inspiring visions. Even if your not looking to remodel, it is worth the trip to check the Dream Home out. There is a recommended $5 donation.
Thursday, September 14, 2006

Benefit Cosmetics has got a great deal going on right now. From September 14th through the 16th, you can get a free full size Ooh La Lift! with any $65 purchase. Enter coupon code FREEOHLA at checkout. This is a great product that really does brighten your eyes. I personally use this product everyday and can honestly say that this product makes my eyes look like those of a celebrity walking down the red carpet. If you haven't tried this yet, this is the perfect time to check it out.

Today's Thursday, and every Thursday has "Let's Do Lunch Thursdays." If you make a purchase during lunchtime, you get a special freebie. The best part is that sometimes the free product is a FULL SIZE product. This week's freebie is a mini lip gloss in 35mm.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Bloomingdales in the 900 Michigan building will soon be having a Bonus Time! Starting September 17 through October 1, you will get a seasonal gift with purchase. Usually, the purchase requirement for Clinique is $21.50. I try to wait to buy anything from department store cosmetics counters until they have a gift with purchase event. In my mind, it justifies my purchases a little more.
If you don't live in Chicago and you want to know when Clinique is having a Bonus Time just CLICK HERE and you can search for the stores nearest you.
J.C. Sephora???
Numerous money and business websites are reporting that JC Penney and Sephora have teamed up to put Sephora stores in JC Penney stores. Apparently, Penneys is tired of not looking like a respectable store and wants to appeal to a younger audience. Sephora will basically take over the cosmetics departments (or lack there of) in Penneys stores. The Sephora stores will not be full sized, nor will they carry a full line of products. So basically it's just a little teaser. I for one think this a great move on both companies' parts. Sephora stores have been popping up everywhere. With this venture, they can add a ton of new "stores" without having to build new buildings. Penneys will also get the added benefit of being able to lure customers in who are interested in what Sephora has to offer. I'm kind of curious to see how this plays out. Of course, I won't be seeing any of these Penneys/Sephora combo stores anytime soon since downtown Chicago is lacking in J.C. Penney stores. I guess on my next trip out to the suburbs I might have to stop in.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
I know that it seems like this blog is full of Sephora
Monday, September 11, 2006 has some very nice Olay free samples. I can't believe I haven't posted this link before. Walmart offers a bunch of free samples that seem to change every week or so. I have gotten a ton of pretty cool samples from here. From toothpastes to Pantene Shampoo and Conditioner to Infusium Shampoo and Conditioner to make-up to lotions and so much more. The best thing is that a lot of these samples are deluxe samples. Forget about the less then a dime size sample they shove into a small ketchup packet, these a miniature bottles (well, most of the time they are). Hey, who doesn't love to get mail? Especially when it's cool free samples!
Why is it that they make lip stick so that about a quarter of an inch of lip stick is shoved way down in the tube so that you'll never be able to use it? That drives me crazy. If you add up all of the lipstick I end up throwing out because of that, I would probably have enough lipstick to last me until the end of my life. Well, I've finally got a way to put those end remnents to use. If you take a toothpick, or something like that, and scrape the lipstick out of the tube, you can then mix it with your favorite lip balm and make your own little product. My favorite lip balm to use for this is Blistex Medex. I loved Blistex Medex by itself, it gives you a little tingle like you've just been kissed, and I love it even more mixed with my favorite shade of lipstick. But this will work with Carmex, Chap Stick, and all the others. Trust me, once you try this, you're going to find yourself mixing the tops of lipsticks with the lip balm too!

While it's been a few years since I've been to a high school dance (8 to be exact), I still get those sentimental feelings around Homecoming time. Perhaps it's because it am STILL in school, or maybe it's because I love to get all dressed up for those special occassions. Whatever the reason, getting ready for a school dance was always the best part. Well just in time for Homecoming season I have stumbled upon the perfect website to help all of you who are currently looking for the perfect dress, shoes, jewelry, and accessories. They offer a lot of products that are similar to the high end items that your favorite celebrities wear. If you or someone you know is pulling her hair out looking for that perfect outfit, check this site out.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Just posting this now so I don't forget in the coming weeks, but QVC has got a few mentionable shows coming up.
Bare Escentuals 9/15 - 3-5am, 1-4pm
Bare Escentuals 9/17 - 7-8am, 5-7pm
Philosophy 9/18 - 4-9pm (That's right...FIVE FULL HOURS!!!)
I've been looking forward to the Philosophy show for awhile now. It's their 10th Birthday Party show so there should be quite a few deals available. I'm really surprised that they don't have a Today's Special for that occassion but hopefully they'll make up for that.
All times are Central time.
Just got this in an email from

Are you hungry, but too busy shopping online that you don't want to go out for dinner? Well worry no more! If you are lucky enough to live in Chicago (like I do!!!), Milaukee, New York or the San-Fran Bay area, you can use to find a huge list of restaurants that deliver to you. What's even better is that Grub Hub has the menus for each restaurant as well as reviews by people who use Grub Hub's service, coupons and special deals, and some restaurants even allow you to order online! I personally use this service at least once a week, but who are we kidding, sometimes I use it five times a week, and I cannot say enough good things about it. The best part is that it allows you to find restaurants that might not otherwise have known about. I have to say, I found Ming Choy on here and have to say it is some of the best Chinese food I have had in Chicago, especially if you like it spicy. If you haven't already, check it out.

Being a native Chicagoan (and an obsessive compulsive shopper), this weekend has been a sorrowful one. Marshall Field's officially became macys